Five mutilated bodies and the wreckage of a helicopter carrying Arunachal Pradesh, Prime Minister Dorjee Khandu was found Wednesday near the waterfalls Jang Tawang region, just 96 hours after their disappearance, officials said.
The research teams found the wreckage and bodies in remote and inaccessible area Lobotang around 10 hours at an altitude of 10,000 feet area is surrounded by steep mountains and heavily forested.
The bodies are likely to raise the first making available Itanagar and then exported throughout the day, officials said. The rescue could take three or four hours to get bodies in the first section of the foot.
The rugged terrain and difficult with the rain and heavy snowfall affected the progress of rescuers.
Pawan Hans AS350 B-3 helicopter had gone to Tawang at 09:50 on Saturday. The last radio contact with Earth for about 20 minutes after takeoff, flew Sela pass on the way the Chinese border at an altitude of 13,700 feet.
Six helicopters from the Indian Air Force on Wednesday morning, began an aerial survey along the dizzy heights of Sela Pass for rescue and search mission.
Congress lawmaker's younger sister Tsewang Dhondup Yeshmi Lamu was the sole occupant of the helicopter women. She was in the helicopter with the Chief Minister of a medical checkup in Itanagar.
The helicopter had two pilots and three passengers, including the Prime Minister and his personal security officer. Yeshmi Lamu was the third passenger.
Arunachal Pradesh, the government had announced a cash prize of Rs.1 million to anyone who could provide information on the missing helicopter.
The ruins of the Prime Minister of Arunachal Chopper Found
Itanagar, May 4 (IANS) The wreckage of the helicopter carrying the Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu Arunachal and four others were found in the state field Lobotang Tawang district Wednesday morning, about 100 hours after her disappearance, officials said responsible.
The Pawan Hans helicopter AS350 B-3 took off from Tawang at 09:50 on Saturday. The last radio contact with the ground was about 20 minutes after takeoff, as they fly over Sela Pass along the border with China, located at an altitude of 13,700 feet.
Six helicopters from the Indian Air Force on Wednesday morning, began an aerial survey along the dizzy heights of Sela Pass for rescue and search mission.